Modern English 转换 Early Modern English 速成指南(莎士比亚风)

Step 应该会由简入难,同时一般越前面的效果越明显(not absolutely)。



  • 2nd 2nd person
  • 3nd 3nd person
  • sub. subject
  • ob. object
  • sing. single
  • pl. plural

因为速成指南所以显然会牺牲较多严谨性,其实 Step 8 ~ 10 才是最重要的。实际上不同时期的 Early Modern English 风格也不一样,这里就选取了一些比较典的特征(大概吧)。

有些用 ChatGPT 生成的,如果有错欢迎指出。

Anyway, c'est parti!

Step 1 转换一些人称和人称代词


you -> thou (sing. sub.)
you -> ye (pl. sub.)
you -> yee (sing. ob.)
you -> you (pl. ob.)


my -> my (before consonant) / mine (before vowel)
your -> thy (sing., before consonant) / thine (sing., before vowel)
your -> your (pl.)


yours -> thine (sing.)
yours -> yours (pl.)

Step2 转换一些动词


变位更为复杂。一般 2nd sg. 是 -est(这个变位 less frequently),3nd sg. 是 -(e)th。


are -> art (2nd sing.)
are -> be (3nd pl.)
have -> hast (2nd sing.)
have -> hath (3nd sing.)
do -> dost (2nd sing.)
do -> doth (2nd sing.)
will -> wilt (2nd sing.)
shall -> shalt (2nd sing.)
can -> canst (2nd sing.)
may -> mayst (2nd sing.)
might -> mought (in the sense of 'could')
should -> shouldst (2nd sing.)
would -> wouldst (2nd sing.)
know -> knowest (2nd sing.)
understand -> understandest (2nd sing.)
go -> goest (2nd sing.)
walk -> walkest (2nd sing.)
walk -> walketh (3nd sing.)


were -> wert (2nd sing.)

Step 3 转换一些连词

because -> because / for (more frequently)
while -> whilst
but -> but / yet (more frequently)

Step 4 转换一些名词

friend -> coz (for cousin or close friend)
room -> chamber
woman -> wench / dame
man -> sirrah (used as a term of address)
villain -> knave
thief -> cutpurse
bed -> couch
house -> dwelling

Step 5 转换一些形容词和副词


angry -> wroth
happy -> blithe
happier -> more blithe
happiest -> the most blithe
sad -> doleful
beautiful -> fair
brave -> valiant
cowardly -> craven
noble -> noble (remains the same but used more frequently)
rich -> wealthy
quickly / soon -> anon
immediately -> straightway
very -> exceedingly
thus -> thusly
hence -> henceforth

Step 6 转换一些连词

because -> because / for (more frequently)
but -> but / yet (more frequently)
while -> whilst

Step 7 杂项

Oh! -> O!
it is -> 'tis
it was -> 'twas
it were -> 'twere
it will -> 'twill
over -> o'er
never -> ne'er
ever -> e'er
against -> 'gainst
between -> 'twixt
in -> i' (in faith -> i'faith)
he -> a' (he is gone -> a's gone)

Step 8 学习 Shakespeare 的常用词汇

详见:Frequent Encounter Words

Step 9 阅读《An Introduction to Early Modern English》


否定是不会像现在这样用助动词 do 的,直接加 not,如 I like not。


replied -> reply'd
humoured -> humour'd


eyes -> eyen
shoes -> shoon
cows -> kine

复数的 you 可以用来表示礼貌,类似法语 vous。

你可能会看到 it -> hit (sub.), it -> him (ob.), them -> 'em (ob.)。前两者在后面演化掉了。

Step 10 阅读 Shakespeare 的著作


Step 11 发明时光机,回到 Shakespeare's time
